
关于SharedcreativityFabricsChinaTrendAW1617论文范文资料 与SharedcreativityFabricsChinaTrendAW1617有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:SharedcreativityFabricsChinaTrendAW1617范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-03-29


Creation will never ends in a sober and calm pace. On the colorful and delightful sharing platform, the spirit-conscious value has been given unprecedented priority. Shared Creativity has become an unconventional but flexible tour for imagination. The traditional style is revitalized by modern techniques. The piled foundation, the blends of heavy and lightness, and the freshness all come from the old, and the splashed flowers. This is a meditation for fingers. A quality of wild and restrain come into being when classic textile crashed with fashion colors. Dynamic communication is taking place between the street and runway, which brings a unique scene that blended clean and graceful, natural and luxury, modern and Zen spirit.

Vitalized tradition

The evolution of society comes again to the intersection of times. Historical context has been involved in economic adjustment. The apparent duality has died away and multi-cognitive discourse system leads to a variety of styles. The demand for innovation is looking for new rules in conventions. When facing to the diversified world, the young generation is playing the essence of the fashion in conflicts as the most active and sensitive group. Traditional spirits find new life with modern technology. The essence of industrial design has gone deep into the core territory of fashion. Urban sports mixed with street vitality have become the new fashion idea. Tradition and new are no longer two opposite directions but fuse into air resistible trend with vitality.


A stable and powerful color palette, the dark and bright tone create a vibrant contrast, demonstrating one kind of solid motion. Neutral blue, deep red and green bring out historical traces of evolution in rich and subtle tonal variation. Meanwhile, a new sense of subtle aesthetics is also interpreted by the combination of design and colors.

Originated luxury

To set up a new luxury concept, and eliminate the inherent contradiction between nature and luxury, so that it lights in the fashion shine. It will be a consumption era with more life connotation. Inspired by the primitive and classical civilization, people regain the ideal of “de-industrialization”, and to realize preserving lifestyle of harmonious coexistence of human and nature before the industrial revolution. By the combination of artistic salvation and the concept of environmental protection, modern, natural and native culture can be united together to inherit the local scenery, and to revive exquisite handcraft, regain artisan spirit and create myriads of original luxury style.




