
关于品管圈论文范文资料 与品管圈模式提高社区低年资护士压疮预防能力有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:品管圈范文 科目:发表论文 2024-01-21


摘 要 目的:探讨品管圈活动对提高低年资护士压疮预防管理能力的作用.方法:收集照护病房2014年1月—12月生活不能自理或半自理患者80例为对照组,进行常规责任制护理;收集2015年1月—12月生活不能自理或半自理患者78例作为观察组,由同组护理人员开展名为“护肤圈”的品管圈活动;比较两组患者压疮发生情况、低年资护士压疮预防管理知识考核情况以及患者家属对护理效果的满意度.结果:观察组3例、对照组10例发生压疮情况.观察组低年资护士压疮预防管理知识考核平均分为5.86分,对照组为67.54分.观察组家属对护理效果的满意度为100%(78/78),对照组为94%(75/80).结论:品管圈活动能提高社區低年资护士压疮预防管理能力和临床护理自信心,对促进护理质量的提高具有积极的意义.

关键词 压疮;预防;品管圈;护士

中图分类号:R473 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2017)06-0033-02

Study on the quality control circle mode to improve the pressure ulcer prevention ability of the community junior nurses

YU Ying

(Xidu Community Health Service Center of Fengxian District, Shanghai 201401, China)

ABSTRACT Objective: To discuss the quality control circle activities to improve the effect of junior nurses ability of prevention and management of pressure ulcer. Methods: Eighty patients who were unable to take care or semi self care of themselves in the nursing ward were collected from January to December 2014 as a control group who were given the general nursing care and 78 cases of patients who could not take care or semi self care of themselves were collected from January to December 2015 as an observation group and the quality control circle activities of “skin care circle” were provided by the same group of nursing staff. The incidence of pressure ulcer of the two groups, evaluation of pressure ulcer prevention management knowledge in the junior nurses and satisfaction of the patients’ family members on nursing effect were compared. Results: Three and ten cases of pressure ulcers occurred in the observation and the control groups, respectively. The average score of pressure ulcer prevention knowledge management assessment of the junior nurses was 5.86 in the observation group and 67.54 in the control group and the satisfaction degree of the observation group was 100%(78/78), while that of the control group was 94%(75/80). Conclusion: The quality control circle activities can improve the prevention and management ability and clinical nursing self-confidence of the community junior nurses, which has a positive meaning to promote the improvement of nursing quality.

KEY WORDS pressure ulcer; prevention; quality control circle; nurse

近年来,随着护理模式的改革,护理工作的内涵和外延都发生了较大变化[1].虽然,低年资护士(即毕业后从事护理工作1~3年)作为临床护理队伍的重要补充,承担了大量临床护理工作,但存在经验不足、业务水平不高的问题[2].品管圈(quality control circle,QCC)是指同一工作现场、工作性质相似的人员自发地进行品质管理所组成的小组,最早由日本石川馨博士所创,旨在调动圈员的主观能动性,发挥圈员积极参和管理活动,出谋划策,最终达到提高个人业务水平和工作效率及个人成就满足感的目的[3].南桥镇西渡社区卫生服务中心的长期住院患者以卧床老年人居多,老年人因皮肤干燥、弹性差、皮下脂肪少、血管退化、活动减少等使皮肤易损性增加,因此,老年人的皮肤管理成为压疮管理中的重点和难点[4].提高护理人员的压疮预防能力和实施正确有效的预防措施是提高基础护理质量的关键[5].本文报道通过开展品管圈活动提升低年资护士临床护理水平效果.




