
关于生态学论文范文资料 与深生态学探寻摆脱环境危机智慧有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:生态学范文 科目:发表论文 2024-02-22


[摘 要]阿恩·奈斯因创立深生态学理论体系,引领深生态学实践运动而被学界尊为“深生态学之父”.奈斯融东西方文化资源,特别是生态智慧于一体,自觉吸收现代生态学、系统科学和心理学等最新成果,积极扬弃斯宾诺莎和甘地的哲学思想,深度追溯环境危机的哲学根源,认为主流世界观假设单体和环境之间的人为区别,导致生态灾难,并由此证明这种形而上学的危险性.深生态学秉承并倡导“生物圈完全平等”的生态主义立场,拒斥人类中心主义价值观,从形上思维层面反思形下环境问题,旨在探寻摆脱环境危机的生存智慧,也由此引来包括反人类面目、神秘主义倾向和生态法西斯主义等在内的相关质疑.但因其理论本身的和时俱进品格和包容开放姿态,仍焕发出勃勃生机和活力并展示了广阔的发展前景.


[中图分类号]N031 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1674-6848(2012)06-0040-18

[作者简介]夏承伯(1972—),男,内蒙古赤峰人,内蒙古大学博士研究生,内蒙古科技大学包头医学院副教授,主要从事生态哲学和生态思想史研究.包庆德(1960—),男,辽宁阜新人,博士,内蒙古大学教授、博士生导师,内蒙古大学生态哲学创新团队学科带头人,主要从事生态哲学和生态思想史研究.(内蒙古呼和浩特 010070)


Title: Deep Ecology: Exploring Living Wisdom of Breaking away from the Environmental Crisis--- Commemorating Arne Naess’ 100th Birth Anniversary

Author: Xia Chengbai & Bao Qingde

Abstract: In academia Arne Naess is called the Father of “deep ecology” as he has created the theory system of deep ecology and led the deep ecological movement. Naess has searched in depth philosophical origin of the environmental crisis on the base of merging the cultural resources especially eco-wisdom of the East and the West, consciously absorbing the latest achievements of modern ecology, systemic science and psychology and dialectically absorbing philosophical thoughts of Spinoza and Gandhi. He assumed the origin of the eco-disaster is the artificial distinction between the monomer and the environment of the dominant worldview and proved the danger of such metaphysics. Deep ecology has adhered and advocating the eco-stance of “full equality in biosphere”, has rejected the values of anthropocentrism and reflected the environmental issues of physics with metaphysical thinking, in order to explore living wisdom of breaking away from the environmental crisis. These have sparked questions including mysticism tendencies and eco-fascism and so on. But the theory glows with vitality and vigor and enjoys promising prospects because of its character of advancing with the times and its inclusive and open attitude.

Key words: Deep Ecology; environmental crisis; eco-wisdom; eco-stance; self-realization; living wisdom

阿恩·奈斯(Arne Naess,也译阿伦·奈斯,1912—2009)诞辰整整100年了.奈斯是世界著名哲学家,挪威奥斯陆大学哲学教授并在该校哲学系担任主任一职整整30年,他曾是维也纳小组成员、分析哲学奥斯陆小组的创立者.由于奈斯创立并发展了当代生态哲学最具挑战性和革命性的激进思潮——深生态学理论体系,并引领深生态学实践运动而被学界尊为“深生态学之父”,他也是战后世界著名的生态哲学思潮杰出的领军人物之一,在中外学界具有广泛而深远的影响.在本文中,我们主要依据中外生态哲学界的研究进展及其相关线索,就阿恩·奈斯及其深生态学思想进行系统梳理和学术评介.





