
关于铁皮石斛论文范文资料 与栽培基质对铁皮石斛生长影响有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:铁皮石斛范文 科目:论文范文 2024-03-26


摘 要 以松树皮、松树皮混合泥炭土和松树皮混合蔗渣为栽培基质,对铁皮石斛在海南省乐东黎族自治县生长情况进行研究,通过调查不同栽培基质下铁皮石斛茎长、茎粗、分蘖、节数、根数、根长、地上部生物量、地下部生物量、鲜叶产量和鲜条产量差异,筛选出适宜当地种植铁皮石斛的栽培基质.试验显示:松树皮混合泥炭土(体积比为2 ∶ 1)能显著促进铁皮石斛茎伸长、节数根数增多,提高生物量,增加鲜条和鲜叶产量,总体情况显著优于其它处理,是适宜铁皮石斛生长的栽培基质.铁皮石斛生物地上生物量和其农艺性状的相关性分析结果表明,根是影响石斛生物量的关键因素,栽培基质主要通过影响根增殖,增加根重,促进地上部茎伸长,提高地上部生物量,增加铁皮石斛产量.以上结果为在海南省乐东黎族自治县种植铁皮石斛提供了参考.

关键词 铁皮石斛;栽培基质;生长

中图分类号 S567.23 文献标识码 A

Effects of Culture Substrates on the Growth

of Dendrobium officinale

XIE Jing1,2, XU Huanying1,2, WU Jiantao1,2, QIU Yongsheng1,2, WANG Qinnan1,2 *,

JIN Yufeng1,2, HU Houxiang1,2, YANG Junxian2, TAN Jiana2

1 Hainan Sugarcane Breeding Station, GZSIRI, Sanya, Hainan 572025, China

2 Guangdong Bioengineering Institute(GZSIRI), Guangzhou, Guangdong 510316, China

Abstract This study was conducted to analyze the growth of Dendrobium officinale Kimura et Migo in culture substrates including pure pine bark, mixture of pine bark and peat soil and mixture of pine bark and bagasse in Ledonglizu Autonomous County, Hainan Province. In order to select and optimize the culture substrates for D.officinale growing in Ledong, stem length, stem diameter, tiller, pitch number, root number, root length, fresh weight of aerial part and root, yield of fresh leaf and fresh stem of D. Officinale in different culture substrates were calculated. The results showed that the matrix which consisted of pine bark and peat soil(volume ratio of 2 ∶ 1)could significantly enhance the elongation of stem and root, increase the number of stem and root, improve biomass and yield, and was suitable for the growth of D. officinale. The overall growth of D. officinale was remarkably better than the other two treatments. The results of correlation analysis between fresh weight of aerial part and agronomic traits indicated that root was the most important factors of fresh weight of aerial parts. Culture substrates could increase root weight, enhance the elongation of stem, improve biomass and yield of D. officinale. The results would provide a reference for D. officinale growing in Ledonglizu Autonomous County of Hainan Province.

Key words D. officinale; culture substrates; growth

doi 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2561.2017.01.006

铁皮石斛(Dendrobium officinale)属兰科石斛属草本植物,因其表皮有铁锈红斑而得名,其药用价值极高,是中国最珍贵的中药材之一,位列“中华九大仙草之首”[1-2].铁皮石斛富含多种生物碱、多糖、联苄类、氨基酸、糖苷类、菲类、酚類等多种成分,具有增强机体免疫力[3]、生津益胃[4]、抗肿瘤、抗衰老等药用功效.铁皮石斛可全株入药,茎可煲汤或榨汁,花或叶子可制茶.野生铁皮石斛一般生长在高海拔悬崖峭壁或林内树干和岩石缝隙中,生长条件特殊和分布受局限,自然繁殖率极低,生长缓慢,再加上多年过度采挖,中国野生石斛资源濒临灭绝,目前为国家重点二级保护的珍稀濒危植物,禁止采集和销售.为了充分利用开发铁皮石斛,必须发展铁皮石斛的人工栽培.铁皮石斛喜温暖湿润环境,人工种植铁皮石斛必须遵循铁皮石斛的生长习性,为其营造适宜的生长环境,其中栽培基质是铁皮石斛人工种植的关键因素.



