
关于边远论文范文资料 与扁鹊飞救系统在边远山区胸痛患者院前急救中作用分析有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:边远范文 科目:mpa论文 2024-02-08


[摘 要] 目的 观察对于边远山区胸痛患者采用扁鹊飞救系统在院前急救的作用.方法 将2014年1月—2016年7月该院胸痛中心收治边远山区胸痛患者207例设置为对照组,于2016年8月,该院引进扁鹊飞救系统,应用于2016年8月—2017年11月收治的边远山区另204例胸痛患者的救治上,设置为实验组.分析两组急诊后相关指标、不良事件发生率和抢救成功率.结果 实验组急诊停留、分诊评估、转运、急救及住院时间明显少于对照组,实验组不良事件发生率为1.47%,抢救成功率为100.00%,而对照组不良事件发生率为17.39%,抢救成功率为86.96%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 对于边远山区胸痛患者采用扁鹊飞救系统在院前急救,可有效缩短患者急救抢救时间、与转运时间,降低不良事件发生,进而提高急诊抢救成功率,效果理想,值得临床推广.

[关键词] 扁鹊飞救系统;边远山区;胸痛患者;院前急救;应用分析

[中图分类号] R459.7 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2018)03(a)-0007-03

Analysis of the Role of Bian Que Flying Salvation System in Prehospital First Aid in Patients with Chest Pain in Remote Mountain Areas

LIANG Zhen-mao

120 Emergency Center, Yulin First People’s Hospital, Yulin, Guangxi, 537000 China

[Abstract] Objective This paper tries to observe the effect of Bian Que rescue system on pre hospital care in patients with chest pain in remote mountainous areas. Methods 207 patients with chest pain in remote mountain areas were set as a control group in this hospital (January 2014- July 2016); 204 patients with chest pain in remote mountainous areas was set as the experimental group introduced Bian Que flying rescue system (August 2016 - November , 2017). After the two groups of emergency, the related indicators, the incidence of adverse events and rescue success rate were analyzed and compared. Results In the experimental group, the emergency stop, triage assessment, transshipment, first aid and hospital stay were significantly less than the control group, the incidence of adverse events in the experimental group was 1.47%, the successful rescue rate was 100.00%, while the incidence of adverse events in the control group was 17.39% The success rate was 86.96%, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.01). Conclusion For remote mountain patients with chest pain using Bian Que flying rescue system in front of the hospital first aid, which can effectively shorten the emergency rescue time, transport time and reduce the occurrence of adverse events, thereby increasing the emergency rescue success rate, the effect is ideal, worthy of clinical promotion.

[Key words] Bian Que flying rescue system; Remote mountainous areas; Chest pain patients; Pre-hospital care; Application analysis

急性非创伤性胸痛属于常见的急诊症状之一,急性心肌梗死(AMI)、主動脉夹层、肺动脉栓塞以及张力性气胸等均以胸痛为主要临床表现,其变化快、症状差异大、诊断难度大、死亡率高、时间窗短,人类健康和生命被严重威胁[1-2].快速诊断发病原因,缩短诊断时间,积极采取治疗措施是至关重要的,在市区内的胸痛患者在拨打120急救电话之后均可在较短时间内接受救治[3].但对于边远山区患者而言,山路崎岖,路少车多,在往返路程中就会流失掉2~3 h时间,从而错过黄金急救时间,影响预后甚至造成死亡,这是作为医护人员最不愿意见到的事情[4].远程急救系统:扁鹊飞救,作为一种无线通讯技术和医学技术结合的科技手段,可对患者实时远程监测,救护中心即刻收到现场急救状况反馈,由院内专家制定相应的治疗方案,患者入院后即刻接受治疗,理论上可缩短救护时间,明显提高抢救成功率[5].2016年8月,该院引进扁鹊飞救系统,应用于2014年1月—2016年7月收治的边远山区204例胸痛患者的救治上,取得较好效果,现将结果报道如下.


