
关于品管圈论文范文资料 与品管圈在降低妇科腹腔镜术前脐部准备缺陷率中的应用有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:品管圈范文 科目:毕业论文 2024-01-24


【摘 要】 目的 探讨品管圈活动在降低妇科腹腔镜术前脐部准备缺陷率中的应用效果.

方法 通过品管圈活动,确立“降低妇科腹腔镜术前脐部准备缺陷率”为活动主题,选择2014年4月至10月收治的女性腹腔镜手术患者作为研究对象,4~6月收治的42例患者采用传统方法行脐部准备(活动前),7~10月收治的50例患者采用品管圈方法行脐部准备(活动后),进行现状把握、分析原因,针对要因设定目标,制定对策并实施,对比观察活动前和活动后妇科腹腔镜术前脐部准备的相关情况.

结果 活动后50例患者,脐部准备缺陷率为10.00%(5/50),而活动前42例患者,缺陷率为59.52%(25/42),两组脐部准备缺陷率比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).活动前患者对脐部准备的满意率为71.43%(30/42),活动后患者对脐部准备的满意率为96.00%(48/50),两组患者对脐部准备的满意率比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).活动前手术医师对脐部准备的满意率为78.57%(33/42),活动后手术医师对脐部准备的满意率为98.00%(49/50),两组医师对脐部准备的满意率比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).预期目标值已达到,该问题得到明显改进.经过6个月的品管圈活动,圈员们在团队精神、沟通协调能力、责任心、自信心、积极性、荣誉感等各方面均有很大的提高.

结论 应用品管圈质量改进工具可有效降低妇科腹腔镜术前脐部准备缺陷率,提高圈员解决临床实际问题的能力,促进术前脐部准备流程标准化,同时也提高了患者及医生对脐部准备工作的满意度.

【关键词】 品管圈;妇科;腹腔镜;脐部准备;缺陷率

中图分类号:R197.3 文献标识码:A

【Abstract】 Objective To explore the application effect of quality control circle(QCC) activities in reducing defect rate of belly button preparation before gynecological laparoscopic surgery.

Methods Through quality control circle activities,“reduce defect rate of belly button preparation before gynecological laparoscopic surgery”was established as the activity theme.Women who were admitted to hospital from April to October,2014 and underwent gynecological laparoscopic surgery were selected as study objects.42 cases admitted to hospital from April to June were given traditional method in the belly button preparation (before activities).And 50 cases admitted to hospital from July to October were given QCC in the belly button preparation (after activities).Then,present situation was grasped,and the reasons were analyzed.Goal was set according to the reasons,and countermeasures were formulated and implemented.Besides,related situations of belly button preparation before gynecological laparoscopic surgery before and after QCC activities were observed and compared.

Results Defect rate of belly button preparation of 50 cases after QCC activities was 10.00%(5/50),while that of the 42 cases before QCC activities was 59.52%(25/42),so difference of defect rate of belly button preparation in the two groups was statistically significant(P<001).Before QCC activities,patients’ satisfaction rate with belly button preparation was 71.43%(30/42),and patients’ satisfaction rate with belly button preparation was 96.00%(48/50) after QCC activities,so difference was statistically significant(P<0.01).Before QCC activities, surgeons’satisfaction rate with belly button preparation was 78.57%(33/42),and surgeons’satisfaction rate with belly button preparation was 98.00%(49/50)after QCC activities,so difference was statistically significant(P<0.01).Expected target was achieved,and defect rate of belly button preparation was significantly declined.After carrying out 6 months of QCC,QCC members obtained significant improvement in team spirit,communication and coordination ability,responsibility,self-confidence,initiative and sense of honour,etc.




