
关于神经外科论文范文资料 与神经外科手术颅内感染临床分析有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:神经外科范文 科目:论文范文 2024-02-04



[摘 要] 目的 對实行神经外科手术的患者术后颅内感染情况进行观察.方法 方便选取2010年3月—2017年3月到该院接受神经外科手术治疗的62例颅内感染患者选取为研究对象,在分析患者颅内感染情况的基础上,对患者采取相应的对症治疗. 结果 治疗前患者的体温为(38.7±1.01)℃,C*糖定量为(0.23±0.03)g/L,蛋白定量为(0.61±0.04)g/L,外周血液中的白细胞浓度为(2.33±0.11)×1010 L,脑脊液中的白细胞浓度为(2.53±0.05)×107 L;治疗后患者的体温为(36.7±1.32)℃,C*糖定量为(0.44±0.05)g/L,蛋白定量为(0.46±0.03)g/L,外周血液中的白细胞浓度为(1.02±0.07)×1010 L,脑脊液中的白细胞浓度为(1.01±0.03)×107L.所有患者治疗后的体温及蛋白定量、脑脊液中的白细胞浓度及外周血液中的白细胞浓度均明显低于治疗前,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);且所有患者的C*糖定量均明显高于治疗前,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 针对出现颅内感染症状的患者,应在全面分析其感染情况的基础上,采取相关的对症治疗方案,这样方能促进患者的更好康复.

[关键词] 神经外科;颅内感染;治疗

[中图分类号] R5 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)08(b)-0043-03

Clinical Analysis of Intracranial Infection in Department of Neurosurgery

HUANG Pei-gen, WU Guang-hui, CAI Zhi-ji

Department of Neurosurgery, Ningde Hospital Affiliated to Fujian Medical University, Ningde, Fujian Province, 352100 China

[Abstracts] Objective This paper tries to observe the postoperative intracranial infection in patients in neurosurgery. Methods 62 patients with intracranial infection who underwent neurosurgical treatment from March 2010 to March 2017 were convenient selected as the research objects. On the basis of analyzing the intracranial infection, the patients were treated with symptomatic treatment. Results The body temperature was (38.7±1.01)℃, the rate of C* sugar was (0.23±0.03)g/L, the protein was (0.61±0.04)g/L, the white blood cell concentration in the peripheral blood was (2.33±0.11)×1010 L, the concentration of leukocyte in the cerebrospinal fluid was(2.53±0.05)×107 L before treatment. After treatment, the body temperature was(36.7±1.32)℃, C* sugar was (0.44±0.05)g/L, the protein was (0.46±0.03)g/L, the white blood cell concentration in the peripheral blood was(1.02±0.07)×1010 L, and the concentration of leukocyte in the cerebrospinal fluid was (1.01±0.03)×107L(P<0.05), and the plasma glucose concentration in all patients was significantly higher than that before treatment(P<0.05), and the plasma glucose concentration in all patients was significantly higher than that in the control group before treatment, the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion For patients with symptoms of intracranial infection, a comprehensive analysis of the infection should be conducted and then the relevant symptomatic treatment programs can be obtained, so as to promote better rehabilitation of patients.

[Key words] Department of Neurosurgery; Intracranial infection; Treatment








