
关于泰国美丽邂逅论文范文资料 与意大利和泰国美丽邂逅有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:泰国美丽邂逅范文 科目:学位论文 2024-01-18


The Beautiful Encounter of Italy and Thailand


Point Yamu by COMO 共设 79 间客房和套房,以及 27 座私人泳池别墅.所有的客房、套房和别墅都能看到攀牙湾的迷人海景.Paola Navone将随意和精致兼具的特色融入酒店的设计中,透过充满现代感的外观,糅合泰国文化元素,展现别树一帜的风格.

Paola Navone说:“我想让Point Yamu成为客人放松身心、随意悠闲、释放压力烦扰的度假村.在我的脑海中,好的酒店既要散发现代感,但同时也要让客人融入当地风情,使客人知道自己身在何处.这个平衡至关重要.”


素朴的灰色、黑色、白色,衬出艳丽的宝蓝和橘红,前卫和古典,梦想和现实,阴影和阳光,在Point Yamu by COMO,就像一首由高低快慢、悠远急速带来无穷魅力的乐章,让人流连,久久无法忘却.

The luxury of COMO won"t show in the expensive appearance, but focusing on art,design,retreat and fashion. Every COMO is unique.

Point Yamu by COMO has 79 rooms and suites, as well as 27 private pool villas, and all of them enjoy a charming cape view. Paola Navone combines relaxation and sophistication in the design, to create a new style with Thailand elements inside of the modern surface.

Paola Navone said: "I hope to make Point Yamu a resort that guests can relax in and put their stress away. A good hotel in my mind is with a sense of contemporary, and also able to make guests understand the local culture, to let guests know where they are, the balance is quite important."

This contradictory yet magically harmonious combination is everywhere. The most significant part is to put Thailand local religion element in the modern design. The furniture are full of industry taste, while the ceiling is painted with ancient symbolic pattern by monks; Baroque crystal chandelier hanging restaurant with giant wooden Buddha hand. And all the simple looking wood furniture are hand-made by Thailand artists. You can feel the Mediterranean modern and Asian Zen at the same time.

Rustic gray, black and white stand out the blue and orange, avant-garde and classic, dream and reality, shades and light, it"s like a piece of music with rhythm playing in Point Yamu by COMO.

設计师Paola Navone访谈:

Interview of Paola Navone:


A: Carlo Mollino、Alessandro Mendini、Ettore Sottsass和Achille Castiglioni.我的自由流动和反传统思想模式从参和Alchimia和Memphis运动而来,这些都是1970年代末意大利反学术式建筑文化的代表.




