
关于外部性论文范文资料 与网络外部性,接入定价和电信竞争有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:外部性范文 科目:职称论文 2024-04-20


摘 要:本文通过构建一个n期动态博弈模型分析了接入定价和电信竞争问题.当存在n期竞争时,如果接入价格大于接入成本,将会导致电信运营商网络规模的大小和其在零售市场产品价格的高低成反比.同时,若某一运营商在竞争初期拥有比竞争对手更多的用户基数,且在第一期新用户加入该运营商网络的比例大于其初始市场份额,则在网络外部性的作用下,通过n期竞争后将产生马太效应.研究结果得出:当存在n期电信竞争时,规制者应以低于接入成本的方法进行接入定价,这样不仅有利于电信竞争效率的提高,而且还可以改善消费者福利;若电信运营商的通话流量平衡,为在实践中更便于操作,可采取免接入费制度进行接入定价.


中图分类号:F062.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:10035192(2012)03007605

Network Externalities, Access Pricing and Telecommunication Competition

LI Meijuan1,2

(1.Applied Economics Postdoctoral Programs, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China; 2.School of Economics and Management, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650092, China)

Abstract:By building a nperiod dynamic game model, this paper analyzes the access pricing and telecommunication competition. if the access price is higher than the access cost in nperiod competition, which will lead to the result that the size of the network is inversely proportional to retail prices.Simultaneously, because of network externalities, if an operator has a larger installed base than the competitor in the initial stage, and in the first phase proportion of new users joining this operator is larger than its initial market share, by multiperiod network competition, it will lead to Matthew effect. Therefore, access prices should be lower than the access cost, which will not only help to improve the efficiency of telecommunications competition, but also can improve consumer welfare. When the call flows of operators are balance, the regulator may take the bill and keep to easily operate in practice.

Key words:network externalities; access pricing; telecommunication competition

1 引言

电信产业属于典型的网络型产业,其显著特征是具有网络外部性,以及在此基础上形成的正反馈和锁定效应.网络外部性被定义为:当消费同样产品的其他使用者的人数增加时,某一使用者消费该产品所获得的效用增量[1].在更广泛的意义上,网络外部性是指当采取同样行动的 人(Agents)的人数增加时该行动产生的净价值增量[2].例如,在选择电话网络的时候,新用户更愿意选择原有用户多的网络,因为网络中用户越多,潜在的通话对象就越多,该网络对用户的价值也就越高.网络外部性主要通过网络的用户基础(Installed Base)这一变量发生作用,网络用户规模越大,用户能够获得的网络效用就越高,从而网络外部性就越强.消费者决定加入某一网络,经常根据网络用户基础的规模作出决策.


