
关于流行病学论文范文资料 与上海某镇在管精神障碍患者流行病学特征分析有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:流行病学范文 科目:专科论文 2024-01-29


摘 要 目的:分析上海某镇在管精神障碍患者主要精神疾病的流行病学特征,为精神病患者的社区干预提供依据.方法:对2016年12月31日前在《上海市精神卫生信息管理系统》登记的某镇在管764例精神障碍患者进行分析,患者年龄12~97岁,平均年龄为(56.89±14.12)岁.结果:在管764例精神障碍患者中,精神分裂症为57.98%,精神发育迟滞为25.13%,神经症性障碍为6.41%,情感性障碍为5.76%,其他精神障碍4.71%.五种主要精神疾病在不同性别、年龄、婚姻状况、文化程度、发病年龄、起病形式、病程的分布上差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01);发病年龄在不同起病形式和不同婚姻状况的分布上差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论:不同种类的精神疾病患者具有不同的流行特征;发病年龄与起病形式和婚姻状况相关,在社区管理中针对不同精神疾病、人口特征的患者采取有针对性的预防干预措施,制定预防干预策略.

关键词 精神障碍;流行病学;分析

中图分类号:R749 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2017)18-0047-04

Analysis of the epidemiological characteristics of the managed patients with mental disorders in a town of Shanghai

ZHAO Yanfang, NIE Lianlian, HE Zejiang

(Zhujing Community Health Service Center of Jinshan District, Shanghai 201599, China)

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of the main psychiatric illness in the mental disorder patients in the management in a town of Shanghai to provide the evidence for the community intervention for psychiatric patients. Methods: A total of 764 cases of mental disorders managed and registered in Shanghai mental health information management system before December 31, 2016 were analyzed. The ages of the patients were 12 ~ 97 years old, with an average age of (56.89±14.12) years. Results: Among the 764 patients with mental disorders managed, schizophrenia was 57.98%, mental retardation was 25.13%, neurotic disorder was 6.41%, affective disorder was 5.76%, and other mental disorders were 4.71%. There were significant differences in the distribution of the five main mental diseases in different gender, age, marital status, educational level, age of onset, onset form and course of disease(P<0.01). There was a significant difference in the age of onset and the distribution of different marital status(P<0.01). Conclusion: Different types of psychiatric patients have different epidemiological characteristics. Age of onset is related to the form of onset and the condition of marriage. In the community management, the targeted preventive intervention measures should be taken, and preventive intervention strategies formulated for the patients with different mental disorders and demographic characteristics.

KEY WORDS mental disorder; epidemiology; analysis


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