
关于糖尿病患者论文范文资料 与上海市某社区影响糖尿病患者血糖控制因素分析有关论文参考文献

版权:原创标记原创 主题:糖尿病患者范文 科目:专科论文 2024-02-21


摘 要 目的:探讨上海市某社区糖尿病患者建卡管理前体指数、腰围、臀围、血压和在册管理前后血糖控制的关系,为发现血糖难以控制的高危人群提供参考.方法:收集整理上海市曹家渡社区2006-2016年在册管理的856例糖尿病患者资料,其中男性为405例,占47.31%,建卡时平均年龄为(66.66±9.42)岁;女性451例,占52.69%,建卡时平均年龄为(68.75±10.07)岁.采用单因素和Logistic多元回归分析患者建卡管理前的体重、身高、腰围、血压和管理1年后空腹血糖控制情况的关系.结果:在865例社区糖尿病患者中,年龄65岁及以上(OR等于1.694,95%CI:1.234-2.327)、超重/肥胖(OR等于4.445,95%CI:3.233-6.111)、腹型肥胖(OR等于1.591,95%CI:1.134-2.234)和臀围(OR等于1.514,95%CI:1.086-2.109)是社区糖尿病患者血糖控制较差的危险因素.结论:在社区糖尿病患者管理工作中,应对于血糖控制能力较差的高风险人群采取有针对性地的措施干预.

关键词 糖尿病;血糖控制;影响因素

中图分类号:R587.1文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2018)10-0050-03

Analysis of factors affecting blood glucose control in diabetes patients in a community in Shanghai

LI Jing, GU Jing, DI Chunming, JIN Linli, SHEN Yufeng(Preventive and Health Care Department of Caojiadu Community Health Service Center of Jingan District, Shanghai 200042, China)

ABSTRACT Objective: To explore the relationship between the body index, waist circumference, hip circumference, blood pressure and blood glucose control before and after establishing card management in diabetic patients in a community of Shanghai to provide a reference for finding high-risk population whose blood sugar was difficult to be controlled. Methods: Data of 856 patients with diabetes mellitus registered in the Caojiadu Community from 2006 to 2016 in Shanghai were collected, of which 405 were male, accounting for 47.31% and the average age that the patients had the card was (66.66±9.42) years and 451 were female, accounting for 52.69%, and the average age that the patients had the card was (68.75±10.07) years. Univariate and Logistic multiple regression were used to analyze the relationship between weight, height, waist circumference, blood pressure, and control of fasting blood glucose before the established card management and after 1 year of the established card management. Results: In 865 community diabetes patients, the age of 65 years old or older(OR等于1.694, 95%CI: 1.234-2.327), overweight/ obesity(OR等于4.445, 95%CI: 3.233-6.111), abdominal obesity(OR等于1.591, 95%CI: 1.134-2.234) and hip circumference(OR等于1.514, 95%CI: 1.086-2.109) were risk factors for poor blood glucose control in diabetic patients in the community. Conclusion: In the management work of diabetic patients in the community, targeted interventions should be taken for high-risk population with poor blood glucose control.

KEY WORDS diabetes; blood glucose control; risk factor



